Your Custom Text Here
Lettering and text animation for the msusic video for IN Christ Alone by Mrs Bighill Singers.
In Christ Alone
Lyrics & melody: Stuart Townend/Keith Getty
2001 Thankyou Music (Admin. by David Media AB)
Arrangement: Daniela Strömsholm (inspired by Owl City)
Cinematographer and editing: Anders Eklund/ Antonomia Ltd
First assistant camera: Moa Eklund/ Antonomia Ltd
Lettering and animation: Sofie Björkgren-Näse/ Fia Lotta Jansson Design
Mrs Bighill Singers @mrsbighillsingersofficial636
Singers: Sofie and Mattias Björkholm, Rebecca Ekman, Rasmus F. Forsman, Fanny and Anders Sjölind, Heidi Storbacka, Daniela and Staffan Strömsholm, Anna-Pia Svarvar, Sarah Tiainen.
Sound: Andreas Stanley Lönnquist
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Thanks to Påras kapell in Kronoby, Finland and Lannäslundsskolan Optima in Jakobstad, Finland
Anniversary logo for FSL - Finlands svenska lärarförbud.
The bird and the red colour are the FSL signature and was used in this anniversary logo.
I opted for a stylish vintage design as it is a logo for a 50 year old.
Instagram pictures borrowed from @fslararforbund
Lettering created for my Retro Lettering Workshop covering the style of 1950 to 1990.
Lettering for Valentines Day 2024.
I says Prutt och kram, Farts and Hugs in English.
Personal project.
Lettering work for SAS - Scandinavian Traveler.
Art Director: Therese Sahlén / OTW
Glad vändag! (Finno Swedish)
Hyvää ystävänpäivää! (Finnish)
Glad alla hjärtans dag! (Swedish)
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Lettering created in Procreate on iPad.
Lettering for Otto Gård
Stenmalet, ekologiskt mjöl från Pensala, Österbotten
Stone-milled, organic flour from Ostrobothnia, Finland.
(Pictures by Otto Gård)
Lettering t-shirt design for the crew at Hummelholmen.
Lettering Workbook No 2
Created and published by Sofie Björkgren-Näse | Fia Lotta Jansson Design
Graphic design bu Lillebil Hansson | Care of Lillebil
Sold at Penstore.
Logo design and lettering for series Royals Next Door by Pikkukala.
Presentation of the animated series by Pikkukala:
”Royals Next Door
A Royal family that moves to a normal house!
Crown Princess Stella has just received the best news ever!
Due to water damage in the castle the royal family has to move out. Queen Kat sees it as the perfect opportunity to modernise. In line with King Bob’s royal motto “Closer to the people” they decide to live in a normal house in an ordinary suburb.
It’s time to show the people that the Royals are just like everyone else.
Our series explores the challenge of adapting to change without losing your identity.
Royals Next Door is a co-production between Pikkukala, Pikkukala Barcelona, Walking the Dog and Ink&Light.”
Created and Directed by: Veronica Lassenius
Produced by: Pablo Jordi
Lettering and illustration for Svenska Kulturfonden for their concert and scholarship award party “Barn igen - en musikfest för alla åldrar”.
Finished work and sketches.
Logo design and hand drawn pattern design for Englunds kaffefabrik, a coffee roaster in Solf, Finland.
Label design can be found here: www.fialottajansson.com/#/englunds-kaffefabrik-labels.
Coffee label design for Englunds kaffefabrik
Coffee labels for Englunds kaffefabrik.
I joined a creative challenge and submitted an animated lettering for Berlin Letters, a lettering festival. I won second prize!
Lettering design for Kind For Dogs, a company specializing in quality products for the dog and its owner.
Screen shot from www.instagram.com/kindfordogs
My lettering work in the book Strindbergs lilla röda - boken om boken och typerna, a great book about typography and the history of reading, by typographer and book designer Nina Ulmaja and literary scholar Alexandra Borg. The book was nominated for the August Prize in 2019.
Lettering work for Svenska Kulturfonden.
Finished lettering and sketches.
Joulukalenteri 2020, Julkalendern 2020, Christmas calendar 2020
Illustrations and lettering for a paper Christmas calendar.
Client: Helsingin Seurakunnat
Lettering animations for social media with motifs from the paper Christmas calendar 2020.
Client: Helsingin Seurakuunat
Book cover lettering for “Damernas lilla svarta” a songbook by Finlands svenska damkörsförbund.
Client: Finlands svenska damkörsförbund
(First two photos from the FSD Instagram account @fisvedamkorsforbund.)
Personal letterings created during spring 2020.
Cover lettering, interview and work in process for Cap&Design No 4.
Client: Cap&Design
Graphic design: Christian Sabe
Lettering work for Kyrknytt, Vasa svenska församling’s magazine.
Lettering logotype for Utbildningsstyrelsen and Läsrörelsen in Finland for the projekt Prata Bok.
Monday lettering animation
Pencil sketches, final lettering and animation.
Logotype for CancerRehabFonden’s campaign Tillbaka Till Livet Kampen.
Watch the campaign movie on https://www.cancerrehabfonden.se/
Client: CancerRehabFonden
Agency: Det Sthlm
Lettering design and original lettering on menu boards and signs for Caffè Nero in Stockholm.
Hand lettered logotype for the exhibition Postal Art at Postmuseum, Stockholm.
Picture 3: Flag outside of Postmuseum, Lilla Nygatan in Old Town, Stockholm.
Picture 4 and 5: Early and refined sketches from the process.
Picture 6: Posters for Kulturtavlorna.
Hand lettered logotype for Transbutiken (webshop).
Title lettering for romatic horror comic author Kim W. Andersson's album Love Hurts Deluxe.
Publisher: Apart Förlag
Hand lettered logo design for Tinne Ingesson and Måleridesign at Målerihantverkarna.
Mixed letterings.
Lettering design: Sofie Björkgren-Näse
Original lettering on denim to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Levi's trucker.
Work for Levi's Nordic.
Photos and slides from my talk at Nordic.design, September 6th 2017 in Stockholm.
Photos by Samuel Unéus
"We all love beautiful letters right? Come to Nordic.design 2017 and listen to Sofie Björkgren-Näse who is a letting artist from Sweden."
Lettering - Designing Analog Letterforms
by Sofie Björkgren-Näse
Lettering is the art of drawing letters. Creating letterforms by hand is an art form on the rise and is already a big part of design, both graphic design and art. Sketching and refining letters with a pencil into unique and personal artwork sparks your creativity and brings you a sense of calm. Including lettering art in ads, on products and apparel is a growing market.
Sofie Björkgren-Näse is a freelance lettering artist based in Stockholm. She is the creative force and founder of Fia Lotta Jansson Design. She has been fascinated by letters and creating letterforms all her life and decided to dive head first into working as a professional lettering artist in 2012. The analog quality of creating letterings using pen and paper is something that Sofie highly values and enjoys. She is frequently hired for workshops as well as organizing her own. She loves inspiring others to create and draw letters. She has done work for H&M Foundation, Foodly, Personlig Almanacka and most recently Levi’s Nordic.
Lettering on diplomas for Global Change Award.
Commission by H&M Foundation.
Original lettering design for Levi's Nordic.
Lettering with Posca pens on denim truckers.
Custom work for Levi's Nordic.
A wedding gift from Levi's Nordic to fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten.
Lettering: Fia Lotta Jansson Design
Embroidery: Linda Blåfors Carlsson
Plywood letters - a personal project
Lettering design and painting: Fia Lotta Jansson Design
Wood work: Petter Björkgren
Logo design and lettering for Puhkea Kukkaan/Blomma conference for women in Helsinki September 30th 2017.
Hand lettered logo design for Fluently Speaking.
Anna Björk of Fluently Speaking went to my Lettering Workshop and drew the foundation of this logo. The letterforms are hers and I got to develop and refine the work Anna started. Such a fun project!
Logo design for food site foodly.fi.
Instagram: @foodly.fi
Logo design for church Missionskyrkan i Vasa.
Logo design för Vin Med Mera.
Creativity - an alphabet created for hand lettering.
Personal project.
Selected letterings from my exhibition at Sweet Vaasa in Vaasa, Finland, called Sweet Art #2.
Produced by Johanna Stenback of Jokowski
Face lift of logo and business card design för Frid&Frid Studio (Sthlm)
Book cover designs
Letterings by Fia Lotta Jansson Design
Photo and graphic design by Aja Lund
Aja is also the founder and one of the owners of Lundagård.
Hand drawn logo design for Gospel vocal ensemble Mrs Bighill Singers.
Selma&Louise is a creative company offering unique and custom made wedding stationary. Ulrika Öhman is the founder och graphic designer of Selma&Louise. If the customer requests it Fia Lotta Jansson Design is called in to design hand drawn letters and words.
Project: Anna & Anders (New York theme)
Selma&Louise on Instagram
Poster design with handdrawn lettering and art for Kokkolaseudun Urkuseura/Karlebynejdens Orgelvänner och Kokkolan Suomalainen Seurakunta/Karleby svenska församling.
Product design for the Dermoshop Christmas Collection.
Lettering Design: Fia Lotta Jansson Design
Graphic Design: Ulrika Öhman
www.dermoshop.fi (finlandssvenska)
Logo design for KOMP!.
New logo design for the blog Andetag.
Decoration of the original logo with words important to the company.
Original logo design: Jonathan Hemming.
Prints designed for a primary school in Jakobstad, Finland.
Letterings for Personlig Almanacka design theme for 2016.
Personlig Almanacka
Personal Planner (International)
Persoenlicher kalender (Germany)
Personlig Almanakk (Norway)
Logo for a live music club at café Engelen in Gamla Stan (Old Town) in Stockholm, with Fredrik Furu, Stockholm Strings and guests.
Engelen home page
Fredrik Furu
Stockholm Strings
Teaser poster design by Fredrik Furu.
Logo and monogram for Kavilo Photography, life style and wedding photographers.
Kavilo Photography on Facebook.
Wedding photo courtesy of Kavilo Photography.
Name logo for green politician Laura Ala-Kokko.
Picture courtesy of Laura Ala-Kokko.
Logo for record label Sthlm Songs.
Welcome text for Villa Gorilla, a kindergarden on Kungsholmen, Stockholm.
Välkommentext för Föräldra- och Personalkooperativet Villa Gorilla på Kungsholmen, Stockholm.
Logo for Hellsisters.
Branding for Dunder Dans, a dance studio on Åland.
Photo courtesy of Dunder Dans
Logo for ICI DECO. Blog for interior designer Isabel Nybom.
2015 har varit ett extra roligt år för oss eftersom vi har fått samarbeta med Fia Lotta Jansson Design – på två olika sätt dessutom! Sofie har formgett vårt nya, mycket uppskattade designtema och hon har även hållit i en ”Lettering Workshop-turné” för våra kunder i tre länder. ”Bästa workshopen ever!” sa deltagarna efteråt.
Om vi skulle vilja samarbeta med Sofie igen? Utan tvekan!
/Karin, Ebba, Paula – personligalmanacka.se
"Sofie är ett proffs att räkna med. Det har varit en glädje att få samarbeta med henne. Noggrannheten i hennes arbete och det fantastiska slutresultatet fortsätter att göra oss glada. Tack för en perfekt logo och ett fint samarbete!" - Ville Kavilo www.kavilophotography.com
Jag e JÄTTE nöjd. Tycker du verkligen på ett bra sätt har fångat upp vad jag förklarat och beskrivit. Toppenjobb! - Ida Pekkarinen (om tatueringsdesign)